The last few weeks of the school year my girls and I are yearning for summer but after one week of sleeping in and unplanned fun they start the boredom blues. Most moms can relate to their kids constantly asking for their tablets, to watch tv, for something to eat, and then my house starts to look like a tornado of little girls ran through it.
What I discovered is that even though summer is a time to relax, my kids still need a routine of daily habits. I make the same daily to-do list for my older two that I laminate and put on clip boards for them to check off with erasable markers what they’ve done.
During the school year they have a homework cart that keeps all their necessities in reach and for the summer I change it to all their summer work needs. To avoid the summer gap the girls do workbooks, math games, and flash cards. I keep the cart filled with these items and supplies (In my home office I keep all their messy craft supplies).
The rule is before they’re allowed to have any screen time or go on any fun activities their morning lists needs to be done. I don’t hassle them about what order it gets done or how long it should take them but I do remind them of their list after breakfast and what’s on the calendar for the day.
This routine is not made for perfections nor do I stick to it every day, but it does create a work ethic of doing “first things first” for the summer.
Love it girl!!